A Dozen Healthy Eating Ideas for December
Here are your healthy eating ideas to get started on your reverse diabetes plan . Instead of waiting for January, why not start now with these simple healthy eating ideas and feel good about your efforts going into the new year! 1. Choose a power breakfast to...
What to know about B12 and taking metformin for diabetes
Do you take metformin for Type 2 diabetes? Did you know that taking metformin long term can cause low B12 level? That doesn't mean metformin is a bad medication but there are things that should be explained to you when you start taking it. Metformin has helped many...
Why add Romaine lettuce to your diabetes defense?
Romaine lettuce beats all other lettuce varieties when it comes to immune-boosting nutrients. All year long and especially during cold and flu season, we need to make sure we are getting the nutrients we need to fight off all the viruses out there! Besides hand...
Chili recipe is loaded with diabetes fighting ingredients!
Besides tasting great and warming you up on a cold day, almost every ingredient in a chili recipe has health benefits. Here is my family's favorite chili recipe. 1 lb lean ground beef, browned and drained 2 cans kidney beans rinsed and drained 2 cans tomatoes 1...
Corn on the Cob Too Much Carb?
This is the time of year for one of my favorite foods . . . fresh sweet corn! But is corn on the cob too high carb for those of us trying to control weight and prevent diabetes? Well, I am not about to give up one of the great fresh garden foods that only come...
6 Reasons Eggs are Still Part of Healthy Diet
Since the 1970's we were told not to eat eggs because they were too high in cholesterol. Recent review of over 200 studies has shown that eggs do not have much effect on our cholesterol but many are not aware of that or are still being...
6 Ways to Control Evening Overeating
Do you struggle with evening overeating? If you are like many Americans that work during the day, you can probably relate to this unhealthy routine that leads to evening overeating. Does your day start in a race with the clock to get out the door? Do you skip...