
Sit Less, Move More, Feel Better, Get Healthier!

Sit Less, Move More, Feel Better, Get Healthier!

Is Sitting Too Much Causing You Health Problems?  This topic isn’t rocket science, but even when we KNOW, sometimes we need a wake up call. And after reading a great article about the health problems that can come from sitting too much, I am reminded that I really...

How Much Protein to Eat for Better Blood Sugars

How Much Protein to Eat for Better Blood Sugars

If you have diabetes or are trying to prevent diabetes or lose weight, there are a few reasons to make sure you get enough protein. But it’s not as simple as eating a high protein, low carb diet. What KIND of protein you eat and WHEN you eat it matters as well. ...

3 Foods that are Good for a Healthy Gut

3 Foods that are Good for a Healthy Gut

Is an unhealthy gut the underlying problem with blood sugar control? More and more research says that it could very likely having an impact.You may have read or heard that the main problem with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes is insulin sensitivity - our insulin just...

Exercise: How to get Motivation to Move More

Exercise: How to get Motivation to Move More

Need some motivation to exercise?   Getting my A1c down is my motivation to exercise, but that may not work for you. Each person has to find the reason that works for them.   This week I am experimenting with 5 minute walks on my treadmill right after each...

Which is better, vitamin D naturally or from supplement?

Which is better, vitamin D naturally or from supplement?

There’s alot of confusion and controversy out there about Vitamin D. After reviewing many resources, I wanted to share with you what I learned. Hopefully it will help guide you in your vitamin D decisions.  Why do we even need vitamin D?  Our body needs vitamin D...

Is there a better option than acid reflux medication?

Is there a better option than acid reflux medication?

Do you have GERD, also known as acid reflux for short?  Do you take a PPI medication for acid reflux? Do you have diabetes or prediabetes?  Are you overweight?  What’s the connection with all of these?   Nutrition. That’s why I’m writing this...

How do I get my high A1c down?

How do I get my high A1c down?

Understand what A1c means.  A1c is a lab test that basically tells you what your average blood sugar has been over the past 2-3 months. If you look at your lab result it will be listed as a percentage. Along with that number many labs will also list your...

Can CGM Help Me Get Better Blood Sugars AND Lose Weight?

Can CGM Help Me Get Better Blood Sugars AND Lose Weight?

Can using a sensor that monitors your blood sugar really help you lose weight also? The short answer is yes. But in this article I am going to explain HOW it can help with weight loss. CGM or Continuous Glucose Monitoring has been a game changer for many people with...

How to Make Blood Sugar Checks Less Painful

How to Make Blood Sugar Checks Less Painful

Do you hate the thought of pricking your finger to check blood sugar? Would you believe fingerstick blood sugar checks can be almost pain free? If you know a few simple little tricks that I will explain in this article, you really CAN save your fingers from...