A Dozen Healthy Eating Ideas for December

Published on: 11/30/2010
bowl of brothy soup

Here are your healthy eating ideas to get started on your reverse diabetes plan .

Instead of waiting for January, why not start now with these simple healthy eating ideas and feel good about your efforts going into the new year!

1.      Choose a power breakfast to start your day off on a positive note. Choose from whole grains, fresh fruit, boiled egg, or yogurt.

2.      Use smaller plates and bowls. You will eat less of everything without counting calories!

3.      Check the portion size on labels and compare that to what how much you are eating to become more aware of what you are putting in your body.

4.      Limit starch (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta) to 2 servings or 1 cup per meal.

5.      Satisfy your sweet tooth by including a small serving daily. Dark chocolate or fruit make healthy desserts.

6.      Get your potassium, magnesium and vitamin C and more powerful nutrients by eating your favorite fruits daily.

7.      Enjoy the non-starchy vegetables at meals and for the munchies between meals!

8.      Eat fish high in omega-3 (salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel) twice a week to lower inflammation.

9.      Make a soup or salad with lentils or beans each week. Here’s a Taste of Home recipe for ham bean soup. 

10.    Enjoy nuts for snacks, on salads or in recipes.

11.   Save eating in front of TV for special movie nights.

12.   Move more!   . . . . Start with 10 minutes daily exercise.

My challenge to you: Choose 3 healthy eating ideas and start practicing!


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I’m Karen, a diabetes nutrition specialist who is passionate about fighting diabetes for my clients, my family, and myself.

I hope you find food ideas and answers to some of your questions here in my articles. But if you are looking for more personalized help with nutrition or diabetes please check out my services page.

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