Click here to get your FREE Added Sugar Evaluation!

Reverse diabetes and  weight gain with a personalized nutrition plan.  

Want an alternative to weight loss meds?

Tired of diets that don’t last?

Confused about what to eat?

Looking for a more natural solutions to better blood sugars, acid reflux, high blood pressure, or cholesterol? 

Trying to avoid diabetes medication or insulin?


Let’s Work Together

two women sitting at a table looking at a website on a laptop
Custom Made Meal Plans

If you need to get started or need a fresh start on healthier eating for better blood sugars, reaching your weight goal, lowering blood pressure or cholesterol . . . Karen will work with you for 1 month to customize a meal plan with foods you like and nutrient needs that fit your goals. Sign up for 1 month or more.

Plus, Karen will send you helpful resources to help you make better nutrition choices on your own!

Medical Nutrition Therapy


If you live in Minnesota and are looking for a highly personalized nutrition service, Karen can work with you by telehealth visits or in person clinic visits. 

Karen takes a holistic approach  which means taking into consideration food, drink, activity, stress, sleep, labs, meds, supplements and more.  Additional testing of genetics, micronutrients, microbiome, or food sensitivities can also be incorporated as needed or desired.  

Metabolic Wellness Workshops

If you are looking for someone to provide an interactive wellness workshop to your small group Karen can help! No boring slide presentation, just food & fun while learning!

Hot topics might be: popular diets, weight loss medications, using Continuous Glucose Monitoring to get better blood sugars, gut-metabolism connections, or how to shop & cook healthier!

Contact Karen to start planning your event!


Client Success!

I am so glad I was introduced to Karen and have been able to work with her on my health and nutrition! I had been battling pre-diabetes for years (and come from a long line of people with Type 2 diabetes) and finally reached out for help designing and following a program to reduce my A1C. I got much more than just a vastly improved A1C. I feel so much more hopeful about my diet and nutrition.

I know that I have Karen's extensive knowledge, patient approach, and strong desire to truly help me adopt and follow a plan for improved health to thank for that!        Irene J.

from a client

"I recommend KM Nutrition (Karen) due her knowledge, year's of experience, her personal experiences, her honesty and unending support"

- Jane

from a former coworker

"I am happy to have been able to work with someone as amazing as you. You work so hard and go above and beyond for us and our patients."



hi there!

I’m Karen

My passion is to help others reach their wellness goals with the power of nutrition. 

Having had gestational diabetes over 25 years ago, I now have prediabetes but have managed to prevent type 2 diabetes by living out the very strategies I help you with!

Get new programs, articles and special offers from Karen!

Sign up to be notified by email when new programs, special offers and new blog articles are available.  This will likely be 1-3 emails per month. 

(No spam. Unsubscribe at any time.)

Where to Start

Here’s the basic 4-step process

Step 01:

Book a free strategy session call

Scheduling a call with me is a no obligation way to find out what programs would work best to get you the results you are looking for with diabetes, weight management or other nutrition related health concerns.

Step 02:

We talk about your health goals and possible strategies to reach them. 

Don’t worry, this is not a pushy sales call. This is your time to get some clarification on the best solution to your health problem.

I will listen to your concerns, answer questions about my programs and give you my recommendation on what path would help you most in reaching your health goals.

If we decide my programs are not the best path, that’s okay. I believe in honesty and integrity and if I am not the best person to help you, I will do my best to refer you to other options.

Step 03:

Work the program & get results

My services are customized for each individual. You may need just one jumpstart session or a  3-month program to learn new strategies, practice them, and problem-solve along the way. It is very important to me that you reach your goals and I will do everything I can to help you get there!

Step 04:

Maintain your success

After you complete a session or program with me you may find that monthly support is helpful to stay on track. Changing health habits is an ongoing process and it’s easy to fall back into our old ways, right?  I will always have options to help you maintain your success!

Questions? Check the FAQ or contact me.

Still have some important questions?

Book a free Q&A call with Karen

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