Is Sitting Too Much Causing You Health Problems? This topic isn’t rocket science, but even when we KNOW, sometimes we need a wake up call. And after reading a great article about the health problems that can come from sitting too much, I am reminded that I really...
How do I get my high A1c down?
Understand what A1c means. A1c is a lab test that basically tells you what your average blood sugar has been over the past 2-3 months. If you look at your lab result it will be listed as a percentage. Along with that number many labs will also list your...
Can CGM Help Me Get Better Blood Sugars AND Lose Weight?
Can using a sensor that monitors your blood sugar really help you lose weight also? The short answer is yes. But in this article I am going to explain HOW it can help with weight loss. CGM or Continuous Glucose Monitoring has been a game changer for many people with...
How to Make Blood Sugar Checks Less Painful
Do you hate the thought of pricking your finger to check blood sugar? Would you believe fingerstick blood sugar checks can be almost pain free? If you know a few simple little tricks that I will explain in this article, you really CAN save your fingers from...
Should you be using CGM to prevent type 2 diabetes?
CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) can be a powerful tool to prevent type 2 diabetes and is becoming more and more popular. If you are not familiar with CGM you may have seen commercials for Freestyle Libre or Dexcom. These are 2 of the more popular companies...
7 Reasons for high morning blood sugars
Why are my blood sugars high in the morning when I didn't even eat anything before bed the night before? This is one of the most common questions I get, and understandably so. Logic would tell us that if we are not eating for several hours during the night our blood...
How continuous glucose monitoring can be a game changer for getting better blood sugars!
My professional and personal experience with continuous glucose monitoring. CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) has been a game changer for people with diabetes trying to get control of their blood sugars. I am a huge fan of it and have used in alot in my clinic work...
How to Map out your Diabetes Plan
Managing diabetes is a journey that requires a good navigation system. When you take a road trip you need to figure out the best way to get there right? I was going to say you need to get out the map but now we just pull out our GPS and let it guide the way. My...